
Work with me

I'm called to create the conditions for deep work. Blending multiple philosophies, including neurophysiology and psychology, I support global companies, event organizers, and industry leaders to generate group flow and fully immerse their people in experiences.


It all comes down to relevance and resonance.

When work feels personally meaningful and we witness it being meaningful to others, we can tap into what wants to emerge rather than what’s assumed to work.

I help groups ease tension, anxiety, and overwhelm so they can sidestep barriers and increase resilience and responsiveness.

Are you willing to play in the unknown?


- Procter & Gamble Workshop Participant

We accomplished more in two days with Katie than we have in the last 3 months through traditional meetings, email, and conference calls.

- Lindsey Frimming (she/her) | Chief Innovation Officer & Team Director | Cog, LLC

Katie’s workshops helped me identify not only what kind of leader I am, but also strengthened my
ability to be an active listener. 

- Troy BronsinK | Founder | The Hive

Katie is compassionate, fair, participant-centered,
and hopeful about the possibility
in every room.


01. Live Events

The most memorable events are those where we feel part of something bigger than ourselves. Sure, some speakers inspire from the stage, but all too often a one-way message just feels like being talked at.

I transform presentations and panel discussions by helping speakers feel more accessible, and attendees more connected through two-way exchanges.

course, group program, leadership development

02. Experiential Design

Groups form when people are drawn to the same individual, challenge, or opportunity. Yet, it's common to find ourselves together but disconnected, relying on a single leader for direction and meaning.

I provide direction for integrating ideas into personal interactions, helping your community to get to know and support each other in their growth. When this perceived barrier of isolation is removed, the group can relax deeper into your leadership and be more receptive to the transformation you promise.

workshops, culture, people dynamics

03. Innovation

Platitudes about culture don’t guarantee people will collaborate accordingly.

Pulling back from competing priorities to see the whole field at play, I encourage individuals to turn toward each other, form relationships, and contribute based on their wisdom in addition to their function and job title. And then, as if it were planned, new ways forward emerge.


Katie Kinnemeyer designs, facilitates, and
speaks at gatherings that foster

authentic connection and enable high-impact results.

She's worked with Procter & Gamble, Dell Technologies, Xavier University, and many others to cultivate a deep sense of belonging, trust, and wisdom among their teams and communities. 

Early in her career, Katie co-designed a framework for establishing innovation capability, titled "Organizational Design for Innovation" and co-led the Innovation Management Certificate Program at Xavier University Leadership Center. She was the Hospitality Culture Director at the Hive a Center for Contemplation, Art, and Action and previously served as the President of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Product Development and Management Association.

Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, she earned her MBA from the University of Cincinnati and can now be found elbow deep in her garden on the west side.


Let's Follow

The Excitement

Whether you have an idea, want to share your love of Cincinnati, or are interested in working together, let’s chat.
